The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Every newborn baby is in pledge for his Aqeeqah, a Sacrifice is made for him on the seventh day, his head is shaved and he (or she) is given a name” [Abu-Dawood].
Aqeeqah is a part of the legacy inherited from Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and a great Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). When a baby is born, it is recommended by our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to slaughter a sheep on behalf of the baby in celebration of its birth. This Sunnah should occur seven days’ post-birth, although it can also be performed after that period. Our Prophet (PBUH) reported, the sacrifice for a male baby is two sheep and for a female one sheep.

Imagine you take an oath that if you get a promotion, you will donate a substantial amount of money to a charitable cause. That is what Nadir is, a conditional charity that one imposes on him/herself. Remember that once the oath is taken, it must be honoured. Not upholding what one swore is a sin, and there is another form of sadaqah that must be paid to make up for that. Muslims all around the world donate a decent sum of money or food (Udhiyah in this scenario) in the form of Nadir to seek Allah (SWT)’s beneficence so that their worldly affairs are in order.

Sadaqa Udhiya (Sacrifice)
Sadaqah is a voluntary act of charity and it can be in the form of providing meat to those in need. By donating a Sadaqa Udhiya (Sacrifice) you help provide meals to families who are less fortunate. For every being that eats from this Udhiya (Sacrifice), you gain an abundant amount of good deeds as you provide nourishment and sustenance to those in need.

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+61 2 9750 3161

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