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Every year during the Islamic calendar month of Dhul-Hijjah, Muslims around the world sacrifice a Qurban (Udhiyah); which can be a goat, sheep, cow or camel – to reflect the submission of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) who was commanded by Allah to sacrifice his beloved son Ismail. Allah (SWT) rewarded Prophet Ibrahim for his obedience by saving Ismail and a ram was sacrificed instead.

Qurban is sacrificed during the days of Eid Al-Adha as an act of worship, thereby intending to draw closer to Allah. It is one of the great rituals of Islam prescribed in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (PBUH). Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only).” [al-Kawthar 108:2]

Qurban is a Compulsory Sunnah of our Prophet (PBUH) and it is of great value of reward. It was also reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said “O people, it is compulsory for every household to make a sacrifice yearly.” [Ahmed]

Throughout this occasion, we should not forget millions of people who are suffering the consequences of conflicts and natural disasters. Let us help them be fed by donating your qurbans.


You can donate your Qurban to needy people in
27 destinations.

Click on any of the following options for your qurban donation (price show in USD)

❝The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever feeds a needy person until he is satisfied,
Allah (SWT) will allow him to enter Paradise from a door, nobody will enter that
door except those who did the same as him” [Tabarani]❞

❝The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever feeds a needy person until he is satisfied,
Allah (SWT) will allow him to enter Paradise from a door, nobody will enter that
door except those who did the same as him” [Tabarani]❞

Your Qurban will reach the poor in 3 forms:

Fresh on site Qurban:

Livestock is purchased and slaughtered on the destination country where available allowing the needy to enjoy the fresh local meat on the days of Eid Al-Adha.

Hard Frozen Qurban:

Cut into 6 pieces, individually wrapped and shipped in separate cartons to its intended destination via refrigerated containers.

Canned Qurban:

This is pre-cooked with a long shelf- life, distributed in regions without refrigeration facilities, such as refugee camps.

Since its inception 30 years ago, Human Appeal Australia continued its mission to eradicate poverty and hunger and help those who experience Eid whilst in need.

Despite the recent COVID-19 outbreak and many disasters across the globe, the seeds of goodness never cease to grow.  Last year the generosity of our community has helped us to provide quality Qurban meat to over 1.2 million beneficiaries in 27  destinations around the world.

We kindly ask you to join our mission and help us to send quality meat to as many as needy people around the globe.

Your Qurban will reach the poor in 3 forms:

Fresh on site Qurban:

Livestock is purchased and slaughtered on the destination country where available allowing the needy to enjoy the fresh local meat on the days of Eid Al-Adha.

Hard Frozen Qurban:

Cut into 6 pieces, individually wrapped and shipped in separate cartons to its intended destination via refrigerated containers.

Canned Qurban:

This is pre-cooked with a long shelf- life, distributed in regions without refrigeration facilities, such as refugee camps.

In 2021, we hope to reach many more people around the world with your Qurban meat. We desire to do much more, but this massive campaign cannot be achieved without your much appreciated generosity and support.

Human Appeal Australia invites you to increase your rewards during these blessed days by donating your Qurban to those in need and bring happiness into their lives.